The incessant ramblings of a Mom, Teacher and Wife

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

catching up

Oklahoma City Art Museum
With Grandma at the falls
The Tiger Cubs were the whole reason we went to the zoo!
Remember when I said that I've been busy having a life?  Yep.  That's for sure.  What's been going on? mom came to visit.  YEA!!!  Finally, we got to have Grandma time.  Matt was gone, but me, grandma and the Big Man had a great week.  We spent a day in Oklahoma City, went to see the falls, ate amazing Texas BBQ, and we got to see the Lorax...simple things when you're 4. 
OKC National Memorial

 We also had LOTS of T-ball practice, but...honestly...probably not as much as they need when they're 4.  I have those "If I were the coach..." moments and then remember that I would never be able to deal with 15 four and five year olds for an hour at a time, so better him than me.  Needless to say, my kid is super cute...awkward, yes, but super cute just the same.

and just so you know...I hate trying to format pictures into this thing!

1 comment:

  1. Trouble with formatting're using blogger instead of Worpress. Down load windows live writer. It connects to your blog. You type offline into live writer than post to your blog. Much easier to work in.

    Looks like you had a good time.
