The incessant ramblings of a Mom, Teacher and Wife

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I lied...

So, the last time you heard from me, I was suffering from what I called "medicine head" and in hindsight, I have to tell wasn't medicine head.  It was the beginning of a really long and painful evening!  I got home, turned on the TV for the Big Man and crashed.  I felt terrible.  Around 6 or so, Matt kissed me and left to Oklahoma City to pick up Sissy from the airport. I measured time by the times I had to start another cartoon on Netflix and around 8 or 8:30, I put the boy down for bed.  The next 12 hours SUCKED.  I was freezing, so I bundled up in 2 blankets (1 down, 1 flannel) but then I was sweaty.  I couldn't stop shivering, my skin was hot to the touch (like it burned when I touched it), my head both hurt and felt entirely disconnected from my body.  I realized that I had a fever, so I dug up a thermometer and lo and read 101.8.  I *kinda* freaked and got online and read that if it got to 102, I should go to the hospital.  Being as how I was home alone, that wasn't going to I gave in and took some Motrin.  It helped...a lot...well...if you consider 2 degrees a lot. The next day, I made Matt take me to The Urgent Care Clinic, where I was officially diagnosed with "upper respiratory crud," although I think the real name is flu.  Whatever, I got some ammoxocillian and was feeling better before 2pm. 

Not 100% mind you, but better. 

Around 3, Saturday afternoon, we packed up the kids and headed down to Dallas.  Matts best friend from Middle School/early High School lives down there and we finally got around to setting up a dinner reunion of sorts.  I wish I'd gotten pictures, but I really didn't think about it.  We met Steve and Heidi at Carinos in Hurst...and spent 2 hours talking, reconnecting, getting to know one another.  Needless to say, after 2 hours of grown-up time, the Big Man started to make it known that he was D-O-N-E being good and we needed to do anything else other than sit (Sissy was getting pretty antsy too).  I'm so happy I got to meet Steve and Heidi!  I'm really looking forward to having them come see us in the near future. 

Sunday morning, I woke up and made waffles for brunch.  I HAVE to tell you about my waffle iron!  I asked Matt for a waffle iron for Christmas with the promise that I would make waffles every weekend.  While I haven't kept 100% to that promise, I've done pretty well.  I don't get all fancy and baker-ish with the waffles, I just use the recipe on the back of the Bisquick box with a splash of vanilla ( my sisters blog, you should read it).  I LOVE my waffle iron!  It's a double sided, Belgian Waffle iron made by Waring.  It's kinda like those waffle irons they have in hotels.  And I love it...did I mention that I love it?  We had a nice family breakfast and then just kinda chilled the rest of the day. 

After dinner we went to Maggie Moo's for dessert and I was able to sneak a picture of Sissy...smiling...YEA!

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