The incessant ramblings of a Mom, Teacher and Wife

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I lied...

So, the last time you heard from me, I was suffering from what I called "medicine head" and in hindsight, I have to tell wasn't medicine head.  It was the beginning of a really long and painful evening!  I got home, turned on the TV for the Big Man and crashed.  I felt terrible.  Around 6 or so, Matt kissed me and left to Oklahoma City to pick up Sissy from the airport. I measured time by the times I had to start another cartoon on Netflix and around 8 or 8:30, I put the boy down for bed.  The next 12 hours SUCKED.  I was freezing, so I bundled up in 2 blankets (1 down, 1 flannel) but then I was sweaty.  I couldn't stop shivering, my skin was hot to the touch (like it burned when I touched it), my head both hurt and felt entirely disconnected from my body.  I realized that I had a fever, so I dug up a thermometer and lo and read 101.8.  I *kinda* freaked and got online and read that if it got to 102, I should go to the hospital.  Being as how I was home alone, that wasn't going to I gave in and took some Motrin.  It helped...a lot...well...if you consider 2 degrees a lot. The next day, I made Matt take me to The Urgent Care Clinic, where I was officially diagnosed with "upper respiratory crud," although I think the real name is flu.  Whatever, I got some ammoxocillian and was feeling better before 2pm. 

Not 100% mind you, but better. 

Around 3, Saturday afternoon, we packed up the kids and headed down to Dallas.  Matts best friend from Middle School/early High School lives down there and we finally got around to setting up a dinner reunion of sorts.  I wish I'd gotten pictures, but I really didn't think about it.  We met Steve and Heidi at Carinos in Hurst...and spent 2 hours talking, reconnecting, getting to know one another.  Needless to say, after 2 hours of grown-up time, the Big Man started to make it known that he was D-O-N-E being good and we needed to do anything else other than sit (Sissy was getting pretty antsy too).  I'm so happy I got to meet Steve and Heidi!  I'm really looking forward to having them come see us in the near future. 

Sunday morning, I woke up and made waffles for brunch.  I HAVE to tell you about my waffle iron!  I asked Matt for a waffle iron for Christmas with the promise that I would make waffles every weekend.  While I haven't kept 100% to that promise, I've done pretty well.  I don't get all fancy and baker-ish with the waffles, I just use the recipe on the back of the Bisquick box with a splash of vanilla ( my sisters blog, you should read it).  I LOVE my waffle iron!  It's a double sided, Belgian Waffle iron made by Waring.  It's kinda like those waffle irons they have in hotels.  And I love it...did I mention that I love it?  We had a nice family breakfast and then just kinda chilled the rest of the day. 

After dinner we went to Maggie Moo's for dessert and I was able to sneak a picture of Sissy...smiling...YEA!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Medicine head

You ever have one of those days where you are just totally out of it?  Yeah...that would be today.  I have a bit of a cold, it's really not that bad, but MAN!  I think the meds I took just threw me for a loop today.  It probably doesn't help that I woke up 20 times last night either because I was freezing or because I was snotty.  You know the drill, snuffy sinuses, sore throat, tender ears.  I've been fighting it since Wednesday, and right now I really feel like I'm losing the battle.  I can't think straight, I keep mis-hearing things or not hearing them at all, my sentences don't make sense.  I could call in and/or go to Urgicare, but I really don't want to.  Maybe if I'm still yucky in the morning, I'll go in. 

On another note...Sissy is coming tonight!  A certain Big Man has been talking about seeing her all week.  Since Monday is a holiday (for the kids & the hubs, mind you, not me), we decided to fly her down because we won't get to have her for Easter break this year (damn military...) 

We've got a super busy weekend planned ahead...can't wait to see her!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The First pretty much have no idea what I'm doing.  I've wanted to start a blog for a long time but never thought I had anything useful to say.  I still don't...really.  BUT...I figure I can give it a shot and see how it goes.  Whatever. 
So...what you need to know about me... 
Well...I'm a Mom.  I have a 4 1/2 year old son and a 15 1/2 year old not-daughter.  (Not-daughter?  you ask, right...because we don't use "Step"-- too many bad connotations).  My kids are pretty much my everything.  Many people can't understand that not-parents can and do love their not-children "just as much" as their bio-kids.  Here's how I look at you love all of your kids?  Yes.  Do you love all of them the exact same?  No.  Everyone loves their kids different.  Me too. 

I'm a teacher.  I've been teaching for 7 years and I love it.  I have taught 6th grade, 8th grade and High School.  I'm a Social Studies teacher by degree, but am working on getting certified in Language Arts and in Special Education.  I also have my certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).  I didn't grow up wanting to be a teacher, but I love it and I've been told that I'm pretty good at

I'm a wife.  Last?  Yes.  But not least.  I have an amazing husband who spoils me rotten.  He's also been known to drive me absolutely crazy.  He's funny, smart, super hot and an amazing Dad.  Unlike most women, I had the privilege of watching my husband be a Dad before we got married...and I knew that I wanted him to be the father of my kids.  He's finishing up his military career teaching classes here in Texas and all over the world.  He's also working on his Masters degree in Instructional Design.  Did I mention that he's smart? 

So...what's this all about?  Well...Us, really. I'll probably talk about cooking, crafting, lesson planning, family "Stay"cations and road trips, military life, trying to live frugally, ...  At this point...if it has to do with's fair game.